It’s happened again, and even sooner this year: Quiz Night XL 2019 is completely sold out!
A whopping 1400 players divided over 280 teams will be joining the world’s largest Science & Tech Quiz at Klokgebouw this year.
Over 200 TU/e students, 200 ASML employees, 100 Philips employees and 100 excited players working for the QNXL’s main partner Sioux are all joining this ultimate Dutch Technology Week battle!
But they aren’t the only ones aiming for eternal glory and some awesome prizes: over 40 different local companies are joining with one or several teams and naturally tickets sales were open to any team, as long as they were quick enough in securing themselves a spot.

Still hoping to get yourself a ticket for Quiz Night XL 2019?
There is a waiting list you can sign up for here. Currently there are over 50 teams on the waiting list. When tables are returned to us, we will put them back in the system and alert everyone on the waiting list via e-mail; giving everyone an equal chance of securing themselves a ticket. Chances of still obtaining tickets are very small though.