With regret we announce that we won’t be able to host Quiz Night XL on June 11th 2020 in Eindhoven.

Dear all,
With regret we announce that we won’t be able to host Quiz Night XL on June 11th 2020 in Eindhoven.
This would have been the 9th edition of Quiz Night XL. For us, and probably also for a lot of our participants, this is one of the true highlights of the year!
The event industry is facing a really challenging time. Our company, Number 42, mainly develops quizzes for live (often even mass participation) corporate events. This makes it a confusing period for us as well. We now need to experiment and see if we can pivot our businessmodel for the upcoming months.
The Dutch Technology Week, which Quiz Night XL is part of, has decided to skip the 2020 edition and to focus on 2021. This is completely understandable given the circumstances – but for us it’s too soon to completely give up on Quiz Night XL 2020!
We as a company, and the complete events industry, need these types of events to happen again once the market is ready for this and it can be done safely. Beside that, we believe that after (and during) these emotional times, the need to share unique quality moments with each other – and to stay socially connected – will be greater than ever!
We’re now investigating the possibilities of moving Quiz Night XL “Science & Technology” to a date after the summer. If it turns out this isn’t possible, we might look into developing a custom alternative for this year.
After all: We and our visitors ♥ tech – and that needs to be celebrated! Much thanks goes out to our partners, with whom we were looking forward to making this an other memorable edition of Quiz Night XL.
We’ll keep you posted.
Wishing you all the best in these confusing times,
Julinka van Keulen
Edwin Verbruggen